Monday, June 22, 2009

One blue eyed baby

Can you believe those eyes! Seriously, this is one blue eyed baby! My kids never had blue eyes like this at two months! I don't think that theres any question this one is going to grow up to be a blue eyed boy.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

6 months

My littlest monkey at 6 months. I Love it when he looks straight at the camera and I can get clear shots of those big brown eyes.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

My Nephew

My brothers family just had their first baby. I am an aunt for the first time yeah! Anyway, my sister n' law was kind enough to let me take pictures of her and her adorable baby. They make a cute couple. Welcome to the family baby F.

The R family

I had the opportunity to photograph this beautiful family with their adorable newborn baby. I love to take pictures of families with their new arrivals, it is such a special time. And this little guy is so cute and photogenic, be prepared to say lots of "awwws" because he is so stinking cute.