Wednesday, December 16, 2009

family photo time

With the holidays fast approaching I have been busy getting some pictures of my own little monkeys to send out to friends and family. It is harder to get my own kids to smile and look natural for the camera than any client I have ever had. However, with a lot of work, goofiness, and bribery I was able to get some pictures of my kids that I love.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The P family

We took these pictures on the most beautiful fall day, and as you can see the trees still have plenty of fall colors. I love taking pictures in the fall when the colors are so bright and beautiful, it makes such a great back drop for portraits, and we got some great shots from this session.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Baby P

I was lucky enough to photograph this handsome baby when he was a newborn. Six months latter he is even more adorable than he was before, if that is even possible. I had such a great time with this little guy and we got some great shots of him.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The W family

This family was sooo easy to photograph! Mom and Dad were totally easy going, and the kids were happy and adorable! We had a good time together and I think it shows in some of the images we were able to get. Also, I have started adding some picture collages to my repertoire of things I have to offer clients. The first is a 30x30 collage and the ones of the kids are 10x20. I think they turned out quite cute and can't wait to get some of my own kids.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Beautiful Baby B

I love to photograph babies! They are always so sweet and fresh. This little darling was a perfect angel during the shoot and didn't even cry once, which in my opinion is AMAZING! Take a look at this little sweetheart.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The E family

This gorgeous family was so fun to photograph! All the kids had such cute personalities and were very easy to photograph. Oh, and check out their blue eyes. I admit I'm a little jealous. Thanks for a fun time guys.

Monday, June 22, 2009

One blue eyed baby

Can you believe those eyes! Seriously, this is one blue eyed baby! My kids never had blue eyes like this at two months! I don't think that theres any question this one is going to grow up to be a blue eyed boy.